Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Afternoon with Dink!

Wells spent the afternoon with Dink while I was out coaching.  He loved learning from his cousin Charlie and chatting with cousin Ellie.  A special person even brought his gym up by the sandbox!  Afternoons with Dink are full of fun and activities!

Friday, March 18, 2011

First solid food!

Before, during, and after photos!  Today Wells had his first solid food!  He gobbled his rice cereal down... and shared some with his face and bib.  It was hilarious watching him figure out the whole spoon to mouth thing.  Once he got it, we couldn't get it to him fast enough!

76ers outfit!

Daddy's 76ers outfit!  This sweatsuit has been worn by Kelly, Bobby, Richard, Charlie, and now Wells! Whew!  He looks particularly like Daddy in this one.

Visit from Don & Susan

A January visit from Don, Susan, and Cooper!  It was a great weekend filled with babies, eating out, and walks.  We only wish we lived closer to each other!


Since I'm the only Ravens fan in Nashville, I had to bring the fan base to us!  Though the game didn't turn out as we liked, it was a blast having our purple family cheering them on!  Wells particularly liked Lucy's purple tutu.

Wells' Baptism

Better late than never, right?  These are pictures from Wells' baptism on January 16th.  Family and friends came to witness this very special event with us!  The service concluded and we all headed back to our home for lunch and Ivy Cupcakes!  The afternoon was spent eating, laughing, playing basketball, and running around the backyard.  It's always wonderful to have family together.